Monday, 2 November 2015

Week 2 [02.11-08.11.2015] Food for your brain

Hi. As we were asked to prepare some interesting articles I'd like to recomment two articles that will help you keep your brains fit. At this point I have to warn you, my articles are not related to IT at all. Link:

If you want to find some practical tips what to eat to "boost your brain" read: - I know it is long, table in chapter 3.6 (page 40) should be enough to read :)

Write anything you feel about those articles (and your afterthoughts). To start the discussion, here are some sample questions:
  1. Do you feel there is a relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts? For example: do you feel sluggish after eating fast food? Maybe there is a meal that gives you a special power to think?
  2. Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing after eating sweets or drinking coffee?
  3. Do you really care about your diet? Are you aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning?


  1. Generally speaking fast food is very unhealthy so i start my day with purified bottle of vodka and black pudding. :) Seriously it is not as bad but in world when many food corporations are fighting to sell they products it sometimes very difficult to choose food that are truly healthy for our body. In general I try to reduce my diet from carbohydrates and fat as much as it is possible but can you name many products that are produced only from proteins and water? Many times we need to choose between healthy diet and something different to improve our comfort. Every body is different and have other needs. In my case I can eat almost any amount of sweets and sometimes I do when I am in bad mood but frankly speaking I avoid that kind of fuel for my body. First I don't like sugar and second I need to have some chemistry in case of emergency. Like old Pappay sailor who consumes spinach when are on his mission.

    1. You are right, it's really hard to find products of good quality. Nevertheless, it should be our job finding the best offered food. Food is something that we consciously introduce to our bodies everyday. Maybe not now, but in a dozen years, we will see influence of current eating habits on our condition.

  2. I see my favorite beverage which is coffee. :-)
    In my opinion there isn't anything bad if you want to eat junk food once a month but there is serious problem when you gonna eat them everyday.
    Lack of exercises and junk food can lead you to serious health problems for examples heart diseases or overweight.
    I had some problems with my health not only because lack of exercises but also because of my bad food habits. After couple of months when I lost 10 kg I realized that I could keep the weight and eat rational portions.
    Now when I think about my journey I know that in my case solution was very simple, I had to eat small portions five times a day (I lost 10 kg without any exercises). But now I want to loose another 10 kg now I want to lose them with a little help of exercises.
    In my case I don't see any connection with concentration and memorization after eating.
    And yes now I care about what and when I am eating it took me a while but after that I am on right track.


    1. Tomasz, surprisingly drinking coffee is not so bad when you drink an extra glass of water after each cup - information confirmed by a nutritionist :) Looking for disadvantages of drinking too much coffee? After some time you will not feel any stimulating effects. Eating small portions few times a day (and drinking water) is much better than 1-2 huge meals during a day. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your exercises, I'm sure that you will see effects soon.

  3. a. Do you feel there is a relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts? For example: do you feel sluggish after eating fast food? Maybe there is a meal that gives you a special power to think?

    Few days ago I have read very interesting article :

    You should read it to : ) I think there may be some relationship between what we eat and how our brain works, but in my opinion this subject needs more investigation. I don't have any particular special food, but I know few people who have such favorites :).
    b. Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing after eating sweets or drinking coffee?

    Nope :) In fact I don't drink coffee and I don't eat a lot of sweets. Caffeine and theine are known for their exciting effects, they increase concentration, etc. Since both are the names of actually the same alkaloid, I prefer to take it in tea :)

    c. Do you really care about your diet? Are you aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning?

    Not really. Nowadays it's very fancy to be fit, go to gym, eat 5 small meals per day etc. I know that I should care more about what I eat, though.

    1. Kinga, thank you for the link. Fortunately, I'm pretty active person in sports. The eating area is something that I should improve ;) Skipping the "fashion" for eating 5 times a day, this habit is quite convenient. I also try to apply to this rule because it makes me feel fed all the time (and as mentioned in previous comments, I become angry when I'm hungry :) ).

    2. I found another article which you may find interesting.

  4. Do you feel there is a relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts? For example: do you feel sluggish after eating fast food? Maybe there is a meal that gives you a special power to think?

    There is a relationship between what I eat and how my brain reacts. After eating sweets or fast food or even bigger dinner I feel sleepy, so I know it is not the best idea to eat it at work.
    I try to eat a lot of vegetables and healthy products (e.g. groats, cereal) when I know I have to think a lot.
    Actually I have noticed that I work the most efficient and I have the best ideas when I am hungry.

    Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing after eating sweets or drinking coffee?

    As I mentioned above, I feel sleepy after sweets and that of course causes problems with concentration. I don't have similar feeling after drinking coffee, but in my opinion, too much coffee can be a reason of concentration problems.

    Do you really care about your diet? Are you aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning?

    I don't often think about my diet. I just eat what I like and what makes me feel good, but it seems that I like healthy food. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, groats, nuts. I use coconut oil and olive oil for cooking. I don't like sweets and fatty food. As I am thinking about my diet now, I can admit it is a pretty healthy diet.

    1. If you feel sleepy after meal, try to eat rather complex carbohydrates for dinner (for example rice or groats instead of pasta). When I'm hungry I become angry, there is no way to work in such a conditions ;) Moving to brain, in my case seeds and nuts are great to increase of my "processing power", you could also try them.

    2. Thank you for the advices. I will gladly try them :)

  5. I think that the brain is like any other organ needs nutrition - in terms of delivery to the brain components necessary for the good functioning. I'm not saying that a healthy diet can help somehow specially thinking processes.

    I do not feel changes associated with sweets, sweets I eat sensibly. But when I feel magnesium deficiency - due to coffee, I do not feel comfortable, probably like everyone.

    I try to eat healthily, I believe that any comprehensive diet also takes care of our brain.

    1. Well, it's will be difficult to experience big difference in brain functioning when all important nutrients are already provided. The "boost" effect arises, when we change diet (for example after complementing deficiencies)


  6. I welcomed this topic with great excitement as it is one of my favorite ones . Here are my answers:
    Do you feel there is a relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts? For example: do you feel sluggish after eating fast food? Maybe there is a meal that gives you a
    special power to think?
    We are what we eat so I think there is a strong connection between what we eat and how our brain and whole body reacts.
    When I need extra power to think I eat nuts, almonds and salmon (not together :)) But generally I think it is more important what you eat on daily bases/regularly and it really affects functioning of your whole body in the long run.

    Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing after eating sweets or drinking coffee?
    Yes, I felt too energetic after drinking coffee so I stoped couple of years ago. I sometimes eat something sweet and don't have any problems afterwards but I do it rarely and with moderate amount.
    Interesting thing is that I used to eat a lot of sweets and couldn't imagine day without a coffee - it was like an addiction.
    Now I just don't think about too often - I know it is bad for my health so I changed the way I think about it - I don't see it as a pleasure anymore or something I need.

    Do you really care about your diet? Are you aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning?
    I care a lot about my diet since I had some issues with sugar level and allergies. Although I do not feel the exact and immediate connection between my brain functioning and my diet I do feel connection with the whole process how my body works. Since I started paying attention to what I eat I have more energy and I don't get ill at all - I don't remember last time I had a cold or a flu it had to be several years ago.
    I discovered recently that the simpler the meal is the better, we basically should it grains and vegetables - it is quite convenient as they are easiest to prepare.

    1. Julia, I'm glad to see that you enjoyed the topic. Food that you listed are really work that way. Nuts and almonds contain a lot of healthy unsaturated fatty acids which build our brain. In case of salmon, you have to choose wisely. Few weeks ago I've seen a document about fish farms around the Baltic Sea. It seems that most of the fish products in popular markets are simply polluted by artificial fodder.
      About your resignation from coffee - theoretically we should eliminate any food that affects negatively our body. In simple words, if you feel bad after something, don't eat it again. Coming back to reality, I really admire your coffee decision. I can't imagine a day without it ;)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi, Let me start from the end. To some extent I think I am aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning. But the way how I start doing this was a little different. First I got involved in sports for fitness improvement and better brain functioning. This changes led me to think about nutrition for better results. So in my opinion it can be true that we have more power and feel better when we make good choices regarding what we eat.

    "Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing thing safter eating sweets or drinking coffee?" No I don’t really. Generally I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle but when I eat or drink something sweet I have more power. I don’t have problem with my concentration I think.

    I agree with Tomasz. As was mentioned "The occasional fast food meal isn't likely to cause a problem with your brain, but to regularly include them in your diet is a problem." I think if you eat junk food from time to time it is not a serious problem and PROBABLY you are not going to die because of that. Problems may start when you do it every day and this is what your eating habits look like. For sure then you may feel sluggish and you may be in a bad shape I think.

    Thank you for an interesting topic.

  9. 1. Do you feel there is a relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts? For example: do you feel sluggish after eating fast food? Maybe there is a meal that gives you a special power to think?
    - I think it is very important to know what you eat. Good balance between nutrients and vitamins is very important. I did not observe any problems with focus etc. after fast food. I love from time to time eat “unhealthy food”. I am neutral and cautious in giving opinion in this kind of case. I know that if you want to be a professional sportsmen or just trying to achieve better and better results in any sport competition you have to take care about what do you eat, when and how much :).

    Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing after eating sweets or drinking coffee?
    - I do not think so, coffe is very important part of my day - but I can live without that.

    Do you really care about your diet? Are you aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning?
    - I know how important is taking care about that what we eat. Unfortunately I am not on diet, but everyday I am repeating - tommorow I will go to the gym... My girlfriend cooks very well and healthy.

  10. Do you feel there is a relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts? For example: do you feel sluggish after eating fast food? Maybe there is a meal that gives you a special power to think?
    I think relationship between eat and brain is strong. For example for me when I junk food I have problem with concentration.

    Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing after eating sweets or drinking coffee?
    I have problems with concentration only when I eat sweets , when I drink coffee I don't have problems with concentration

    Do you really care about your diet? Are you aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning?
    I don't care about my diet, I am aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning, but in my opinion we must eat regulary. I eat small portions every 3 hours and I don't have problem with brain functioning

  11. In my opinion there is a positive correlation between the food we eat and the brain condition. I feel edgy and twitchy when I eat simple sugars. (Un)Fortunately I do not eat very often fast food. However, after eating a burger from McDonalds I feel completely fine being not hungry for next 4-5 hours and without any decrease in mental powers . Any meal that has balanced proportions of carbs, proteins and fats gives me a sustainable power to think. In fact, I get a kick of energy after eating sweets or drinking coffee but it does not last more than one hour and after that I feel very sleepy.
    Unfortunately, I do not care much about my diet recently due to the work (as many other people). My one and only principle of a diet is to have meals every 3-4 hours so I will not have a decrease in my brain powers.

  12. 1. Do you feel there is a relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts? For example: do you feel sluggish after eating fast food? Maybe there is a meal that gives you a special power to think?

    I am positive that this kind of link exists. I don't feel sluggish after eating fast food. After all, hunting an antelope is quite a challenge (just kidding). I feel sluggish after eating fatty food. Which I rarely do...
    The "meal" that gives me power to concentrate is... espresso :)

    2. Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing after eating sweets or drinking coffee?

    I guess it is the other way round in my case. Hey, brain requires glucose, I don't think you can leave without it.

    3. Do you really care about your diet? Are you aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning?

    I am trying (again...) to eat well balanced food. You know: wholegrain bread, fish, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. It is good for the whole body, not just for the brain. Besides, I have to lose a few kilos, otherwise my back will kill me.

    1. The only energy for brain is from glucose (exceptions: ketons). It reacts much better on continuous deliveries of glucose, which is being released from complex carbohydrates and from the food of low glycemic index.

  13. 1. There is a very strong relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts. There is no question about that. If someone says that there is no, than he don't know what he is talking about. A good diet is very important not only for our body (in muscles aspect) but also for our spirit and our brain. Proper diet can boost us in many different ways.

    2. It depends. For example if I'm too much awoken cause of sugar, than of course yes, I have problem with concentration. But when I'm keeping in mind what I eat and I watch the amount of single factors in my food than I don't have any problems.

    3. Yes, I care a lot about my diet. I prepare every meal a day before. Of course sometimes it is not possible, and of course I do it from time to time in restaurant or some kind fast food. But generally I plan my "food day"

    1. I agree with every word you wrote! I also feel really jealous that you have enough time to prepare food every day :)

  14. I think that there is stronger relationship between what I drink and how my brain reacts than between food and brain functioning. :) Of course you can get a massive impact on your overall functioning after eating a pill or two with mitsubishi logo.
    I don't think that there is a meal that improves or damages brain functions when eaten ocasionally. On the other hand you can overdose water as well. Looking at the table from the article you posted I can tell you I've head that atlantic salmon is carcinogenic, fruits have a lot of sugars and eggs increase bad cholesterol level. And since when cigarettes are food? Don't mean to be cynic, but in my opinion reserch results depend on who's paying.

    1. Everything can turn into a poison (depends on dozes). About Atlantic salmon, you are right (I even wrote about it in previous comments). However, in case of eggs, there is no evidence, that they increase cholesterol level.

  15. 1)
    Your diet has a lot to do with the weakness of memory more than a relationship of age or genetics.
    All what you eat affects a significant impact on your memory, and your concentration, the level of intelligence, and the weakness of the brain's ability with age, it has been proven that people who eat high meal of protein tend to be more alert while eating a meal rich in carbohydrates makes you more calm and prone to drowsiness.
    then there is a big relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts

  16. 2)
    I drink coffee every day, even now I am trying to drink a coffee, but never, I had problems with concentration and memorization after eating sweets or drinking coffee.

  17. 3)
    sorry, but I don't care about this.

  18. Thank you for this topic. It is indeed very interesting.
    1) Do you feel there is a relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts? For example: do you feel sluggish after eating fast food? Maybe there is a meal that gives you a special power to think?
    Actually, I do not feel any direct relationship between what I eat and how my brain reacts. I feel rather sluggish after eating too much especially at work where I need to sit beside my desk without moving too much.
    2) Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing after eating sweets or drinking coffee?
    On the contrary, sweets give me energy to memorize. I have coffee and a croissant for breakfast most often and keeps me full until noon. Also from 8 a.m. till noon is my favorite time for work. Funny thing is that when I eat sweets in the morning I do not feel like having them later.
    Do you really care about your diet? Are you aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning?
    I try to eat healthy, but when it comes to coffee and sweets it is rather difficult. I cannot imagine a Saturday morning without a cup of good coffee.

  19. Although my observations are far from scientific, I have indeed noticed a difference in how I feel both physically and mentally depending on what (and how much) I eat.
    I try to avoid fast food like the plague because it always makes me drowsy and sluggish. All I care about after a greasy and salty meal is a nap.
    I can't really say anything about coffee because I can't remember what it's like not to drink it. I've been going through at least 1kg of coffee a month for years.

    1. I have the same, remember to drink water every time you finish cup of coffee :)

  20. Hey, thanks for the recommendation for those articles. Unfortunately I had time just to read the first one since the second is a bit lengthy but I had a look on the table and seen all the habits that I try to avoid on the correct list, however I am avoiding them for other reasons than just brain health. I am actually quite surprised by the fact that sugar which is raw energy (glucose) for the brain is recommended to be avoided. Sure it causes a lot of harm to the organism (i.e. inflammations) and our body has developed a special mechanism which allows us to survive without it (gluconeogenesis). In the past I relied on sweet foods to keep me going through periods of hard work and I think it was helping. ;)

  21. Do you feel there is a relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts?
    It's strongly possible, after light meal my body is working pretty good, I feel good so is my brain. If you overdose, even salad, you feel sluggish.
    For example: do you feel sluggish after eating fast food? Maybe there is a meal that gives you a special power to think?
    I'm eating a lot of pasta, it gives me special power, or maybe it's chocolate, hard to decide :) I'm trying to avoid eating fast food, because I always feel sluggish after such meals.
    Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing after eating sweets or drinking coffee?
    Nope, because I'm not drinking coffee at all :) and I'm trying to avoid eating too many sweets.
    Do you really care about your diet? Are you aware of the connection between diet and brain functioning?
    I don't care, I enjoy eating. I prefer to eat healthy. I support organisations like Slow Food and so on. I wasn't aware about the connection between diet and my brain, maybe deep in my mind now I'm a bit more educated.

    1. You have very healthy approach. The point is to eat healthy (instead of eat according to a specific diet) and to "listen your body".

  22. I read this article carefully because I am rather mistrustful to some new breaking information about health. When I read a lot of articles about health, diet and medicine I have a feeling that everything around us can kill us. I know that "you are what you eat" but I think we should keep things in proportion as far as eating is concerned. I hate all specific diets which work only for a short time. I think people should eat everything especially natural products. I know this is a little difficult for most people but this is not impossible. The most important in my opinion is not only what we eat but how much we eat. According to me all foods in proper amount are good for our health. Even we eat a small set at McDonald’s from time to time we cannot call it a crime against our health.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. There is a relationship between healthy diet and brain efficiency. Eating omega-3 fatty acids is healthy daily routine in Norway. One tablespoon cod-liver oil contains a lot of healthy fatty acids and vitamins. It's healthy and easy way to provide fuel for brain. It's so safe, even for 6 week old baby. Another health tip is drinking juice from blended vegetables. Vitamins and folic acid are presence in fresh vegetable and eating them is also good for health. It's fact that fresh vegetables and unsaturated fatty acids are a mainstay of healthy diet.

    1. Thank you for this smart advices :) you are right, vegetables should be the main part of every diet. They contain nutrients that need fatty acids for better absorption

  25. This must be obvious that our brain needs specific food ingredients, i.e. different than those we use to build muscles. Definitely, if you work as an intellectualist, your diet should be different from diet of people working physically. In addition I believe your age must be also involved. Older people's brain needs better nutrition, delivered more often.

  26. 1) I’d ask the opposite question frankly speaking, do you see any relation between your brain state and what you eat?
    Yeah i do. The more tired brain is, the bigger will and craving for sweets and junk food. So the recipe is very straightforward, don’t overstress your brain. Try to keep your head calm and fresh, then you’ll easily realise the big difference in the way your body craves certain food.

    2) No, not all. In fact.. the opposite. But that’s probably due to the way i think about sweets and coffee, to treat them like ultimate boost. A turbo switch. So far working for me. But of course trying hard not to abuse them as they would immediately lose their charm and powers :)

    3) Yes, I’m very aware of my diet. Long time ago started to study and ingredients list of any food purchased.. that helps a lot to avoid placing truly junk food in your shopping cart.

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  28. Do you feel there is a relationship between what you eat and how your brain reacts?

    I think that certainly, this relationship exists, the quality of food affects the functioning of the brain

    Do you have problems with concentration and memorizing after eating sweets or drinking coffee?

    No, but I must drink less coffee, too much raises my blood pressure. I like sweets but I try to keep moderation.

    Do you really care about your diet? Are you aware of the connection between diet and brain Functioning?

    I try careful, but sometimes is different :)

  29. I personally think that there is a big misconception regarding fast food. Because what makes fast food bad? Well many people would say that it is because they mainly consist of simple sugars and fat. That is absolutely correct, but are sugars and fats bad? well, it depends...

    Sometimes simple sugars are exactly what your organism requires. When you exercise extensively both physically or mentally your body demands easy to digest energy source. I don't consider myself an athlete, but when it comes to mental exercises there times in my life when i had to grab a candy or a kitkat bar to write few more lines of java code and not to fall asleep.

    It is a problem though when you reach out for the candy more often that you need to. Balance is the key.

  30. I agree with Tomasz Sznajder.
    Diet is very important to feel better. I lost 14 kg at last 6 months. Only by diet. Yes – I know that gimnastic is important, but if you don’t brainer about thinks that you eat, It will be your fast road to gain weight. Everythink must be normalized.
    I like fast food, very like. But I have to think about it – I can eat it only sometimes. However I think that is not have any impact to my bain and thinking. If you feel good – you can do anything what you want and anythink what you like.
    My beverange is tea. I use to drink about 4 – 5 teas a day. It is my favourite drink – it is my addiction 
