Sunday 15 December 2013

Week 8. The future gadgets.

I want to describe the gadgets and technology that may affect us in the future. Some of them appear on this year, and some have not yet been produced. For starters watch a movie:

Mirror technology

What do you think of this mirror? It is easy to guess that this is not an ordinary mirror. On the mirror displays the transparent interface. This information is derived for example from the internet. The mirror has dimensions of 800 x 500 x 50 and fits the decor of any bathroom. It has Wi-Fi connectivity, it is waterproof and never evaporates. Mirror has access to the portal, you can check the weather forecast, a calendar and other applications. Mirror costs $ 7,733. It is pretty much how the mirror. Do you think that is a good gift for a woman?

Another gadget that Smarty Ring.
It is a smart ring. It has a LED display. Displayed on it is time and notice. The ring also has a button to answer calls and to play music. The ring looks like this:

The market price of the device is $ 275. In addition, please view the presentation:

Is it a functional gadget?

How about this presentation?

It is a concept of a modern mobile phone and mobile computer. The designer and the author is Tirshathah Hunter. It is a concept called the Conduit connects the phone with display, PDA screen TV and a regular cell phone. It looks very aesthetically pleasing and modern.

Do you like the design? Is it functional?

Telephone on hand.

Already in briefly on the market should debut phones displayed on the hand. The principle is simple assume wristwatch. The phone has a small screen-which is built into the projector. So you can browse the internet on hand. Met with this technology?

Often, improvements can greatly improve the currently available solutions. Feel free to comment on the technology and equipment that interested you most.

How do you think what's new, you can still enter? Maybe you have some of your projects, ideas. Please, describe them briefly.

At the end I wanted to ask you a riddle. How do you think what it might be? Who is the author, producer, what is the name?


  1. Hallo!
    So starting off with your first movie, it looks like augmented reality using smartphones and monitors, we are acctually very close to have that in every house.

    Mirror technology looks great, quite expencive at the moment but looking forward to have one in my bathroom but I'll wait few years until price will go down about ten times. :) BTW it would be great gift for anyone I think.

    Those rings are great and I'm acctually planning to get one I just have to find a way to get it with a discount. Have anyone heard about watch that communicates with your mobile and shows you fb info on it? My friend have one and loves it.

    I'm not sure what about this pen/screen, maybe it has a good desing, but is it only a screen or a full device? I'm wondering how this "screen" is folded? Is it in midair or is that a film on which image is displayed? Interesting.

    Part of a body as a keyboard, no problem, Microsoft did it three years ago allready.
    Many are working on it and many are showing good results but no one decided to get with it on a markte. I'm wondering why? Maybe we're not ready for that yet.

    Obviously there are infinite things that will be introduced to us in the future but I guess I'm not a good clairvoyant and do not have a clue what eles, I see so many thing going around in past few years, that I don't have any idea at the moment that would cover new area.

    About two riddles that You gave us, first I had a hard time finding name of that, seckond is a Nokia HumanForm. The most flexible (or maybe - the first:) Nokia phone.

    G'day Y'all :)

    1. Referring to keyboard (or its lack on the market): there is possibility to buy a small flexible keyboard thus I don't see too much sense to buy another thing which replaces real keyboard. Why would a device displaying phone keyboard be better than a real phone?

      I would see future for such thing if it was connected with display described by Kinga below: when we would get such a mobile tablet, smaller than a real tablet, but having comfortable big "display".

  2. I my opinion any display technology, weather glue-on or paste-on, no matter how thin or flexble don't have any long future. No display mirrors or walls based on this technology make any sense in view of coming chip projecting laser display technology. The three-color laser projector, small enough to be placed
    into a bead of a ring or a needle head, and powerfull enough to display any picture, movies , including 3D, are coming to the market within the next 5 years. They will be cheap, network connected, ubiquity and avable to everyone. The need for any other form of display, except commercial, will be completly obsolete.

  3. I was never really a big fan of gadgets and I can't really say that the above presentation has changed my opinion. Some of them do appear to be somewhat interesting, but quite a few seem more like expensive toys rather than something I'd really want to use.

    The first movie seemed the closest to what we actually have and use in everyday life - if somewhat more advanced. Between smartphones and touchscreens, it's just a matter of time before everyone will have access to them. Nothing truly spectacular here. just a natural expansion of current ideas.

    The mirror on the other hand, far too expensive for everyday use. Sure it would a nice to check news while brushing your teeth, but for that kind of money, I can imagine far more useful gifts. Perhaps several years in the future, once this is actually affordable instead of a major purchase. Currently, it seems like something to brag about, instead of actually use.

    The ring, I don't know, I guess I'm just not impressed by it? Seems like a fancy clock with couple other features, nothing to get excited over. Although, it might be just my general lack of enthusiasm toward such "gadgets" doing the talking.

    The hand phone seems quite practical and something that should definitely become popular. Still, for something that was supposedly made three years ago - as mentioned by my namesake in the first comment - I have yet to see it used anywhere. Perhaps the technology is still lacking, contrary to all those nice movies.

    As for the future gadgets - I'm actually looking forward to finally experiencing some functional 3D displays. They are the staple of various SF movies and yet current designs are lacking at best - both expensive and straining to the eyes. I'm not holding my breath though, being rather slow with all those new toys.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The devices presented in the videos look really futuristic and I had a feeling that they are yet far from being a part of our lives. Although looking back about 15 years I would not even dream about the things that we use nowadays. The first video really hit the spot with presenting the future of gadgets. I would consider buying those devices as their functionality addressed the issues that I have now. For example, for effective web browsing you need a device with a >5 inches screen, but at the same time using such a device for calling someone is really uncomfortable so most people have 2 devices for each of these functions. By having the ability to change the size of the screen such a problem would not exist.

    At the same time I feel that some gadgets are really off the mark, like the electronic ring or the "wonderful electronic mirror". I also don't feel too enthusiastic about the technology of projected user interfaces.

    So I all in all, I am really looking forward to the meaningful and innovative gadgets (like the one presented in the 1st movie) being introduced to the public and I would probably be among the first ones to buy them!

    1. Is a result of some research on ergonomy that >5 inches screen size for effective web browsing?

  6. All these gadgets seems pretty cool. They are not necessary but good to have such a mirror or smartphone :)
    Currently all devices are small, and give us and pleasant access to information or give us easy way to communicate with our friends.
    The question is if we will be have such easy access to communicate with our friends via such devices will not lead to the fact that we move our contacts with them from the real world to the virtual. We can easy observer that now a day all of our contact with our friend move from real word to the virtual for example look how often you are communicate with your friends vi Facebook :) When we start using that devices probably we will more offend talk with them via that devices rather than meat with them in real world:)

    1. In my opinion the worse problem is that we would have our privacy very shortened ...
      Imagine that you would not be able to use WC without your virtual friends acknowledge of that fact ... :)

  7. Similarly to Kamil P., I'm also not a fan of gadget. I look mostly at their usability for me. But your presentation really interested me.

    I suppose that nowadays there are too many gadget on the market to follow all existing trends and I have problem with choose. Another barrier is a cost. But if I found some of described things under my Christmas Tree I wouldn't forgot to describe you my impressions from their using ;-).

    Resizable screen on the starter movie looks very interestingly for my. I'm waiting for a moment where my phone operator offers me device with such screen.

    The digital mirror doesn't suits my lifestyle - I don't spend too much time before mirror. But if I had such mirror I wouldn't place it in the bathroom (like in the article's photo) but rather in places like exercise room (which I would build then). At present the idea presented by Kinga - displaying pictures by a laser - seems to be more interesting for me.

    I've found a way of usage of Smarty Rings - they may be necessary soon to pick up a woman :-).

    About the riddles - in the first photo I've noticed a "Samyung" logo but I've not been able to find what the name of the gadget is. The second one was already solved by Kamil D., so I only add a link to the movie presenting what it is -

  8. Gadgets that you show here are very cool, but how it will be looking in the future we will see;) When google developed their glass i saw very cool prototype glass (for house) which display the information such as the weather.

    I also saw a very cool prototype of transparent bracelet with a location which for example announced the arrival to the hotel where staff already waiting for you (really cool).

    I looking forward to see this in the future because this is very positive - like smartphones couple years ago. About images of end of this topic (Samsung and Nokia) this looks very nice but they didn't convince me with their functionality.

  9. The clips are nicely done and fun to watch, but personally, I don't think I would buy anything here. Maybe if I had a chance to try these things and see for myself how they work, I'd change my mind.
    Be careful with buying that mirror as a present, you might be taken the wrong way :)

    The ring would function better as a watch (bigger screen).
    I actually prefer typing (even on a touch screen) to writing by hand, so going back to an invisible ink pen doesn't seem enticing. I don't see the improvement over a smartphone (speed of writing vs. speed of typing?).
    Flexible displays look the most promising. I'm not sure what I'd need them for right now, but as long as they are more durable than hard plastic or glass, there must be some good uses.

  10. I'm usually not interested in gadgets so thank you very much for this article because it allowed me to update my knowledge on this subject. Specially move about future of screen technology impress me a lot. I really like when new technology is discreetly hidden in everyday things. I like concept of mirror witch touch screen. The idea of rings, smart watch and others smart jewelry do not impress me at all. I know that plenty of people find it very useful to be always connected with mobile phone but for me is not so important. I do not like to fill like a slave of my mail or message box. Idea of phone display on a hand for me do not look like something to much comfortable to use but it certainly looks impressive so as a gadget can have a lot of fans.

  11. I have to admit that I was a big fan of different digital gadgets, especially those which were somehow connected with multimedia area. Nowadays I'm getting a little bit tired of tracking the latest trends. In my opinion many of the newest gadgets are only expensive toys which are not finally refined. Many functions are not as useful as presented in real life. Manufacturers are trying to convince consumers to imaginary needs which in fact do not exist. I support solutions which actually will improve our daily life in a simple and easy way without building special philosophy behind it. For example I like idea of miniature sports cameras like GoPro which allow people to record and share very high quality movies without using super expensive professional equipment. So it's more about evolution than revolution of already existing technology. On the other hand I'm really pleased that during last 10 years many new concepts and ideas emerged and transformed to useful devices and services.

    1. '... In my opinion many of the newest gadgets are only expensive toys which are not finally refined ...'

      I totally agree with above statement.
      Companies producing tools are forcing unnecessary enhancements that make user experience worse.
      One of the examples might be the software that most of the mobile carries are adding to the vanilla operating system. Most of the time this additional software is of very poor quality and usability.

    2. As an example of this method let's consider this scenario - Apple launched new iOS7 and users were tempted to check new wonderful "flat design". After upgrading older devices like iPhone 4 it turned out that performance is much slower than before and there is no option to downgrade your device...

  12. All smart devices can help us in every day information retrieval and processing. The growth of the complexity of those devices seems unstoppable.

    Regarding the riddle:
    1-Finger Samsung (phone).
    2-Nokia HumanForm designed by Nokia Research Center and Nokia Design.

    All those concepts are supposed to conform to the human nature.
    I believe that we are not very keen on adopting things that require us to change not the opposite.

    The more transparent the device behaves the bigger chance it will get acceptance and wide usage.

    Those smart gadgets remind me this year Edward Snowden's alternative Christmas Day message.
    He says 'A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all'.

    I cannot see any easy way to stop malicious usage of the smart devices by the forces interested in permanent surveillance of ordinary people unfortunately.

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