Saturday 9 November 2013

Week 4: 11-17.11 To care, or not to care - that is the question. The art of trolling.

The internet has been in our lives for some time now, and we do not see ourselves living without it. It's a place where we can find information, relax, gather knowledge and socialize.  Most of the time we can access all of these great things without providing any (or much) information about ourselves, and even if it is required it is seldom checked or validated.
For some, the illusion of concealment has become such a stimulator that they have started to trash talk in the virtual world, making the lives of some people unbearable. This activity has become so frequent that it even got its own name - trolling.
Please look at the following video:
Sometimes people are so devastated from such a situation that it leads to a tragedy. Below you can find a video that shows how the biggest social media corporations try to fight this phenomenon:

1. Why do you think this is happening? Do you think people have a natural tendency for trolling?
2. What stimulates such behaviours (maybe this is not only about a person's character, but also comes from papers, TV news, etc.)?
3. Have you ever been a victim of trolling (or have you trolled someone)?
4. Do you see any positive sides of trolling?
5. Do you think that removing anonymity from the internet would counteract trolling? If so, do you see any downsides of revealing your identity?


  1. 1. Honestly? Because many people don't have what to do and want turn to the topic even if they don't know what others talking about (Thay want to exist in virtual world).

    2. I think that only character or other people stimulate person to this type of activity (i mean trolling).

    3. Fortunately, I wasn't but if happens something like this to me I will not care (i don't have time to fight with stupid people).

    4. Sure, I think that trolling of big companies is positive. (For them you are just a money! Even if it's not change anything maybe them start thinking about this). This is a example what I talking about :

    5. I think we need more privacy (not less)! BTW this factor don't change a people (I mean their psychology).

    1. Referring to your last answer: I'm against unwanted discovering personal data. In this case I'm also for more privacy. But it's ok for me when I have to sign my real name under a post which I don't have to send.

      In the same way I sign without any hesitation all of my company mails - anybody never ordered me to do it. I do it without being afraid about leaking my data (and my company coworkers which are included as non-blind copy receivers) although I can't be sure whether sent data be used in unwanted by me way.

    2. You're right ;) But imho e-mail is not the same matter because we use it more for personal contacts. If I published something on internet I tried don't use my private e-mail because I don't want later read many shit from my inbox (maybe you will not like this but if some blogs required my e-mail for publishing purpose then I added for example e-mail like

    3. Jacek - regarding your - there is something better. Take a look at "" site.

    4. Jacek, you mentioned that you don't care about trolling and you don't have the time to fight with stupid people... but I've read that there is a significant amount of trolls that have a family life and that are well educated and they have a "trollish" alter-ego that they use just to cope with everyday problems. Do you think this justifies their actions?

  2. 1. Why do you think this is happening? Do you think people have a natural tendency for trolling?

    I strongly believe that there is no such a thing as a natural tendency for trolling. It does not within human to spoil things. It’s simply evil.
    It must be that some uncommon circumstances pushed certain individuals into wrong direction.

    2. What stimulates such behaviours (maybe this is not only about a person's character, but also comes from papers, TV news, etc.)?

    Definitely the environment has the influence. I can only speculate what might drive trolls to do what they do but I entirely believe that they do not feel comfortable and that there is hope for them to stop.

    3. Have you ever been a victim of trolling (or have you trolled someone)?
    Not really. I think I would try to ignore most if not of all that energy but I am not sure if this ignorance would be costless for myself.

    4. Do you see any positive sides of trolling?

    No. Unless trolls would troll other trolls :) – this infinitive loop might take them away for good :)

    5. Do you think that removing anonymity from the internet would counteract trolling? If so, do you see any downsides of revealing your identity?

    Of course there are heavy downsides of fully revealing your identity by default. Nowadays global corporations would not hesitate to use that valuable identity assignments and use it in their own targets that are not always in line with yours.

    1. I've read that some of the newspapers (i.e. "Fakt") have an employee that is dedicated to troll and increase the hype of some articles/topics that are presented in the newspaper. You mentioned that only evil people troll, so do you think that this is an ethical problem? Would you be able to troll if you got paid for it? Or maybe it does not count if this is part of your job description?

  3. 1. Online Disinhibition Effect, or in less scientific terms, GIFT (as defined by the folks at Penny Arcade). Anonymity offered by the internet makes it natural for people to behave in this way. There's no repercussions, no risk, no problems with lying without anyone being able to know the truth.

    2. Like I said above, it's anonymity. GIFT theory puts it in a very blunt but truthful way. With no negative consequences, there's nothing stopping ordinary person from becoming trolls and behaving in a way they'd never even think about in real life.

    Their real life environment might not even matter. That horrible troll might actually be a nice guy, but he just finds it a funny way to relieve stress. Or maybe he's the exact opposite and does exactly the same in real life. There's no way to tell.

    3. I generally don't get involved in more "heated" discussions - which are often filled with such individuals - and I'd like to believe that I recognize trolls after few of their posts. Most forums or webpages also offer the Ignore feature, which is far superior to arguing with them.

    As for "trolling" - I don't do that, unless ocassionaly using sarcasm on the internet counts as such. Antagonizing people for some sort of sick pleasure isn't my thing.

    4. None. I find it disgusting, annoying and sadly, unavoidable part of the Internet. It may have various forms, ranging from completely worthless trash messages, filled with swear words, insane troll logic used only to anger people, to the "Internet Tough Guy" syndrome and pointless posturing, but it's all the same to me. If it gets out of hand, I just use the ignore option, while wondering why would anyone waste their time creating such garbage.

    5. That's actually a good question, but I don't think it will happen anytime soon. A good example of this was Blizzard Real ID fiasco from three years ago. The plan was to do exactly this - force users to sign forum posts with their real names in order to take responsibility for their messages. It generated a giant backlash from the community, with thousands of people protesting the very idea within few hours of learning about it. Blizzard has withdrawn from the idea very quickly and hasn't suggested it again since then.

    People are not willing to sacrifice their privacy in order to fight trolls. Trolls can be annoying and harmful to internet communities, but the effect is not yet big enough to justify such measures. There is also the "it's just the internet, relax" approach, which I personally disagree with, but it's a common thing.

    1. ... 4. None. I find it disgusting, annoying and sadly, unavoidable part of the Internet....

      That is sad but true - it is unavoidable part.

    2. Some people say that Poles are more susceptible to trolling than other nationalities. I often see English forums on which there is a public dispute between two Polish users. Do you think that we (Polish people) troll more than other nationalities?

    3. I don't see why that would be true. Most likely it's simply seeing someone post in familiar language that attracts your (or their) attention. Poles do have a "reputation" in online gaming - but they're far from the only ones and that environment is filled with "trolls" anyway.

  4. 1. I guess some undervalued people have the opportunity to feel themselfs better by takeing someone down. Also this is the only way where they can win back on some events that happend in the past.

    2. I believe that many people have malicious character and things that they can see on TV or in internet isn't main reson why those people do what they do.

    3. Fortunately no and I haven't been a troller. In my opinion it's not good way of resolving conflicts.

    4. As I said in previous questin - I don't believe that it can be used to resolv conflicts, so I don't consider trolling whatever useful.

    5. Propobly anonymity is what "created" trolling and I believe if everyone would be posting content in the internet under ones name, then trolling would terminate.

    1. And what about the numerous mems and funny videos/posts that are based on a quote made by a troll. Don't tell me that you don't find it amusing :P Maybe this could be one good side of trolling? Do you have one that you could share with us?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. Why do you think this is happening? Do you think people have a natural
    tendency for trolling?

    I think that because most of people think that in the Internet they are anonymous they behave like they are the master of the word. They complain and laugh from other people they offend others because they don't see how that other person react that person is for them only avatar or something like that. Thats why offend someone is so easy for them.

    2. What stimulates such behaviours (maybe this is not only about a person's character, but also comes from papers, TV news, etc.)?

    I think that because of environment in which that people life also if they are undervalued they in many cases use Internet and such behavior to improve the well-being

    3. Have you ever been a victim of trolling (or have you trolled someone)?

    No I haven't been troll and I never do that for someone else

    4. Do you see any positive sides of trolling?

    No,how someone can see positive side of trolling when from definition trolling is behaver when you try someone humiliate or irritate

    5. Do you think that removing anonymity from the internet would counteract trolling? If so, do you see any downsides of revealing your identity?

    I see here problem because you aren't anonymous in the Internet you can think that you are but you aren't:) Problem is that we don't have right mechanism to track that kind of people. Even if you will demand that everyone should sign below what he/she write in the Internet there will be always someone who will find way to omit that :)

    1. ... I think that because most of people think that in the Internet they are anonymous they behave like they are the master of the word. They complain and laugh from other people they offend others because they don't see how that other person react that person is for them only avatar or something like that. Thats why offend someone is so easy for them. ...

      Nowadays young people spend A LOT of their time playing violent games. It does not help developing their personal culture much. I believe that as a consequence they start behaving violent in the Internet and then even in their everyday life.

    2. So assuming we would have the right means of tracking a person down for a "trollish" post that he made - what should be the punishment for such behavior?

    3. For private fora rules (and also punishments) can be determined by an owner of a forum. It may differ from a warning to excluding trolling person from the forum.

      For public fora we probably don't do too much - in my opinion it is similar situation for talking on the street. Until it violate some law rules we won't be able to punish for doing it.

  7. 1. Why do you think this is happening? Do you think people have a natural tendency for trolling?

    Some people have a natural or acquired tendency for making other people's lives miserable for no good reason. It ranges from playground bullying to threats online. Other times it's lighthearted and meant as a joke (although truthfully, sometimes at the expense of victimizing someone else). I don't think it can be stopped or avoided, but the effects can be minimized using voting systems for comments and report buttons as well as moderation.

    2. What stimulates such behaviours (maybe this is not only about a person's character, but also comes from papers, TV news, etc.)?

    Seeking attention is what stimulates trolls. "Do not feed the trolls" is your best response in this case. Ironically, news stories about infamous "successful" attempts at trolling only make matters worse by giving trolls what they seek: more attention.

    3. Have you ever been a victim of trolling (or have you trolled someone)?

    No, but there's no escaping trolling on the internet, you have to be thick skinned and remember "not to feed the trolls".

    4. Do you see any positive sides of trolling?

    You can find places where trolling is outright encouraged. It's mostly poking fun at one another and perpetuating inside jokes. Some people get a chuckle out of it.

    5. Do you think that removing anonymity from the internet would counteract trolling? If so, do you see any downsides of revealing your identity?

    Forcing everyone in a community (like an online forum) to give up anonymity, only makes matters worse. That's because trolls are then able to track you down and troll you in real life. The video game company Blizzard tried this with their Real ID initiative and failed:

  8. Why do you think this is happening? Do you think people have a natural tendency for trolling?

    Yes I think so. If people feel anonymous they change. There is great video ( that explain how we behave while we drive a car and how different are our behaviours in face to face situation. I think with trolling is similar. Some people feel anonymous and secure in a darkness of internet so they use it as an opportunity to realise frustration.

    2. What stimulates such behaviours (maybe this is not only about a person's character, but also comes from papers, TV news, etc.)?
    I think that character, self confidence, and amount of stress.

    3. Have you ever been a victim of trolling (or have you trolled someone)?
    Fortunately never.

    4. Do you see any positive sides of trolling?
    Bad behaviors are always bad.

    5. Do you think that removing anonymity from the internet would counteract trolling? If so, do you see any downsides of revealing your identity?
    Maybe this can solve problem of trolling but on the other hand anonymity in an internet has also a lot of bright sites. Some people are ashamed of some topics and anonymity allows them to solve many other problems.

    1. A very interesting video, I had a laugh while watching it :) Extremely entertaining and I will watch out more while driving my car from now on, that's for sure! And a great message - people have a different set of values when they find themselves in different situations.

  9. 1. It seems to me that some people have a strong tendency for promoting themselves - trolling is only one of ways for realizing this goal.

    2. I don't think that such behaviours come from TV and so on. Probably most of us know people who cut in on conversations presenting many aspects not connected with discussion. Doing the same in the Internet is simply more uncomfortably because internet discussions go beyond time and place borders known from normal discussions.

    3. I'm hope I never trolled anybody, I sometimes was the victim of trolling and probably I will be such victim again :-).

    4. I see positive sides of trolling but others than presented previously by Jacek.
    Being attacked by an internet troll taught me saying "stop". I think that sometimes it is better for me to exit from many uphill battles without saying any explanation than wasting energy for prove my rights. It was easier for me to start learning this skill among anonymous internet trolls than among known for me people :-).

    5. As my classmates have already noticed - I also can't imagine less anonymity without validation data which seems to be impossible for real public fora. I think that there is enough place in the internet for creating both anonymous and non-anonymous fora. When both kinds of them exist everybody has a choice which he wants participate in.

    1. 4. I see positive sides of trolling but others than presented previously by Jacek.
      Being attacked by an internet troll taught me saying "stop". I think that sometimes it is better for me to exit from many uphill battles without saying any explanation than wasting energy for prove my rights. It was easier for me to start learning this skill among anonymous internet trolls than among known for me people :-).

      I do not know - it might be that when you react saying STOP it can drive them to do more trolling.
      On the other hand I perfectly understand you - saying STOP to them is a natural human reaction.

    2. I was misunderstood by you - I say stop to me, not to them :-)

      I see that I should work on my English to express my opinions much clearly. In the matter of trolls I can only say "don't feed them".

  10. Grzegorz, one last thought/question - why do you call trolling as art (at the post title)?
    This way it might sound as if you elevated that behaviour. :)
    Trilling is not an art in any way.

  11. 1. Why do you think this is happening? Do you think people have a natural tendency for trolling?

    I think that some people have a natural tendency for sick behaviours in general, not particular for trolling. They act this way because they have some hidden problems and they feel in control and think they can go unpunished.

    2. What stimulates such behaviours (maybe this is not only about a person's character, but also comes from papers, TV news, etc.)?

    There are many factors that stimulate such behaviours. It can be personal vulnerability, environment, work pressure, TV. Some people just can’t deal with stress and they find escape in destroying other people lives.

    3. Have you ever been a victim of trolling (or have you trolled someone)?

    I’ve never been trolled and I’ve never trolled anyone, but who would admit that?

    4. Do you see any positive sides of trolling?

    There are no positive sides of trolling.

    5. Do you think that removing anonymity from the internet would counteract trolling? If so, do you see any downsides of revealing your identity?

    Removing anonymity would certainly reduce trolling to some point but I don’t think it is a right solution of this problem.

  12. 1. Why do you think this is happening? Do you think people have a natural tendency for trolling?

    I think some people have a lot of negative energy. I do not know where it comes from, but often it can be felt during a conversation with such a person. I think the forums due to its anonymity gives even more freedom to release this kind of behavior. Maybe it some inner frustration or lack of self-fulfillment? I believe that sometimes it is simply weaker day of a person and it's kind of getting rid of frustration.

    2. What stimulates such behaviours (maybe this is not only about a person's character, but also comes from papers, TV news, etc.)?

    Many TV programs based on the assessment of people in a very direct way. It can be an inspiration for them, or just some a kind of permission to do so. Children learned to comment on anything on FB without thinking whether it hurts someone. In some cases people without real contact with others loss ability to feel empathy.

    3. Have you ever been a victim of trolling (or have you trolled someone)?

    As far as I know no such thing happened to me and I’ve never trolled anyone.

    4. Do you see any positive sides of trolling?

    The only positive side is to immunize the human stupidity, and not worry about things that do not make sense.

    5. Do you think that removing anonymity from the internet would counteract trolling? If so, do you see any downsides of revealing your identity?

    Perhaps it would have helped a little, but I guess that would be the reason for other problems associated with the lack of privacy.

  13. 1 It's hard to determine why this is happening. Perhaps it is the character of, forcing the population. Do not know why it looks that way. Maybe person who does that is trying to attract attention. Adjusts to the idea.
    2.In the present time humanking captured the media. People do not speak up about what you are thinking only about what environmental forces. Guided by the ideals of society.
    3 Probably not fall a victim to the trolling or do not know. I did not participate in such situations.
    4 A man should say what thoughts but you can not tell anybody of bad things. I am opposed to trolling. I can not see good reason. Trolling is a breach of netiquette.
    5 Definitely yes, the disclosure of the identity of force to counter trolling. If you make up your data will need to be careful what you write.
